Why neurobiology of cognition in
studies of complex cognition have focused on humans and our close
relatives. However, recent studies reveal that also birds are
cognitively well developed and show complex behaviours comparable to
many mammalian species. In mammals, the layered structure of the cortex
is considered crucial for complex cognition. Like in mammals, birds’
pallium, the cortex homolog, contains very high densities of neurons
(neuronal densities in the primate pallium are matched by those of
domestic chicken and surpassed by those of songbirds and parrots).
However, instead of a laminar organisation, birds’ cortex developed a
nuclear organisation. The absence of cortical layers in birds, together
with the similarity in cognitive abilities of mammals and birds,
challenges the fundamental question of neuroscience: how does brain
structure contribute to its functions? We approach this question by
using birds as animal models and investigating a selection of brain
areas that process similar functions in birds and mammals despite their
structural differences.
Structural and functional investigations of the avian
possess a hippocampal area that, in contrast to its mammalian homolog,
lacks a layered structure and whose anatomical subdivisions are still
highly debated. By using experimental setups equivalent to those used
for rodents (e.g. 'dry version of the Morris water maze' and
orientation in geometrical enclosure) in combination with
neurobiological methods (e.g. single unit recording and histochemical
detection of neuronal activity markers) we question how far theories
developed for mammalian hippocampus can also be applied to the avian
hippocampal formation.
'dry version of the Morris water
IEG-expression in the hippocampus
Neurobiology of social
cognition in birds
are highly social animals, making them good models to study social
behaviours. In all vertebrates the control of social behaviour is
mediated by the so called 'social behaviour network', a set of
interconnected areas rich in sex steroid receptors. Although the basic
organisation of this network is similar in all vertebrates, the
anatomical structure of these brain regions shows fundamental
differences. We aim to investigate how areas of the 'social behaviour
network are interacting with
each other, not only in social behaviours, but also in their
contribution to learning and memory functions, producing the complex
behaviours that we can observe in birds.
living conspecific vs. stuffed chicks
IEG-expression in septum
processing in the
avian brain
In humans visual information is transmitted by about 1 million fibers
within each optic nerve, which is only 40% of the number of fibers
within each optic nerve of domestic chicks. Indeed, birds are
probably the most visually advanced class of vertebrates. However,
while the homologies between the visual pathways of birds and mammals
are well understood, the functional equivalences between the later
visual processing stations in the birds pallium and the mammalian
visual cortexes are still unclear. This is particularly relevant for
the study of comparative cognition since precisely
processing stations carry out more sophisticated
computations of the
visual information, which are involved also in higher cognitive
functions. We study these visual properties in birds by
behavioral, neuroanatomical and neurophysiological
Direction selective neurons and retinotopic maps
within the visual wulst in zebra finches